Who Are We? The Wireless Association of South Hills Amateur Radio Club is a non-profit organization, affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and dedicated to advancing the principles of amateur radio while making it fun for all who participate. Dissatisfied by some of the old school ways of thinking, the WASH Amateur Radio Club was founded in September 1993 by several amateur operators that were looking for new ways to enjoy their hobby. With the emphasis on enjoying the hobby, the WASH Amateur Radio Club has and continues to experience tremendous growth.
Repeaters The WASH Repeaters are open for all licensed amateurs to use. They operate on 146.955 MHz, 443.650 Mhz and 442.550 MHz, all three utilizing a PL of 131.8 Hz.
Weekly nets are held Monday evenings at 8:00 p.m. on the 146.955 and 443.650 repeaters. This is one way the club keeps in touch with its members. The club has had a long history of being picnic lovers. Anytime weather permits, members seem to infest the local parks. We've even found a cure for cabin fever on some nice weekends in February!. The club participates in the ARRL sponsored contest called Field Day, which is held the last full weekend in June. We have found it necessary to exorcise the evil spirits from the repeater during our Halloween Bonfire. The WASH Amateur Radio Club is very active in bringing new hams to the hobby and upgrading current hams operating privileges through our volunteer examiner (VE) test sessions. In June of 1995, we sponsored our first contest, a 2 meter ground wave contest, and it has been going strong ever since. Did I mention picnics?? Many of our members participate in other community events. Among these are the City of Pittsburgh Marathon, the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), and Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Net (SATERN).
VE Sessions and Operator Licensing Amateur radio license exams are given at least 4 times per year. In 1995, we were the first club in many years to have a VE test session at Field Day.
Membership There are several types of memberships available. Licensed amateurs are eligible for Full Membership. Non-licensed persons are eligible for associate memberships. Family memberships are also available. Members receive The
WASHRag, our club newsletter.